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♥Wishing upon a falling star♥
Super Junior Lover


12 Feb, Aquarius
Favourite songs by Super Junior, SHINee, DBSK, Jay Chou, JJ Lin, MiLuBing, etc.
Watching Movies
Hanging out with friends
The feeling of Total freedom
My best friends

Best viewed in IE

Amelia Tan
Da jie
Lay Yen
Peiqi a.k.a MA DE!!
Peng Rui
Scze We
Wan Ru


Music Playlist at MixPod.com


February 2007♥
March 2007♥
April 2007♥
May 2007♥
June 2007♥
July 2007♥
August 2007♥
September 2007♥
November 2007♥
December 2007♥
January 2008♥
February 2008♥
March 2008♥
April 2008♥
May 2008♥
June 2008♥
July 2008♥
August 2008♥
September 2008♥
October 2008♥
November 2008♥
December 2008♥
January 2009♥
February 2009♥
March 2009♥
April 2009♥
May 2009♥
June 2009♥
July 2009♥
August 2009♥
September 2009♥
October 2009♥
November 2009♥
December 2009♥
January 2010♥
February 2010♥
March 2010♥
April 2010♥
May 2010♥
June 2010♥
August 2010♥
September 2010♥
October 2010♥
November 2010♥
December 2010♥
January 2011♥
February 2011♥
March 2011♥
May 2011♥
August 2011♥

Her applause

Layout: Nicole
Codes: Damien and TCC
Images: Tang Guo Wu & Amelia
Materials: Lovelycore
Inspirations: Agnes & Fang Min
Hosts: Photobucket(?) & BlogSkins(?)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Look look look!! see my five loves~~ *content sigh* LOL! Man.. I think this year's seriously the best birthday ever.. I mean I got most of the things on my wishlist!!!!!! Im so so so so super duper happy about i!!

The first picture is da jie made for me de lei!!! I tell you ah.. When I first saw it.. Wa.. I totally cant stop laughing and smiling! It's total love la!! DA JIE, I LOVE U!!!!!!!AHHHHHH!!! The pictures are super high quality and I know how much it costs sia.. She made a board of my favourite people and 2 more smaller versions of what I did for her for Christmas! Really really really LOVE IT!!! Must start planning her birthday sia.. If not how to match the one she gave me??? And the two books! Super shiok de.. I have the whole collection now and I didnt even pay a cent!! Thanks Hui er, Grace and Sha!!! Really love it!! But hui er ah.. You wrap with too many layers of newspaper le ba!!! LOL

This year, Im really really happy, things have seem to be going well though my heart keeps feeling something bad's going to happen.. I dont know why either.. By the way, gor, cheer up kay.. Must know your priorities and I know by the time you see this, your exams will be over.. So another advice.. Take things slow and easy and I'll always support your decisions! And.. Im sorry that I cant be there for you when you needed me just now.. Really sorry..

To conclude, I want to thank everyone for their wishes and presents!! Really appreciate it and I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
her sweet memory was written @ 8:49 PM

Saturday, February 21, 2009

WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! EXAMS ARE OVER!! LOL! And Im saying as if I have tons of exams when I only had one! Which was today! Yes.. Today, there are so many people in Ngee Ann that I thought that it was Friday!!

The paper was easy but I was put in a lousy area.. I was the first person and well.. The seat sucks. You know when you're so nervous about the paper when your lecturer actually told us that it was so tough then you're cold due to the strong aircon and you see your seat.. I tell you ah.. My table had dust.. On the wall facing me was a long leg insect crawling around! Hoe can anyone feel good about the paper!! And when I was sailing through the paper, I look up and saw the long leg insect crawling on a spider web.. Or whatever it was that made it seem that it was crawling on air.. It was happily erm.. dancing? Or swaying or whatever.. I was freaking scared that it will jump on my table and commit suicide! Not scared la.. But..disgusted..

Anyway, left the exam hall half an hour early and waited for my clique for half an hour before they showed u and I didnt even get to speak to Patchy today!!!!! Then after the talk on Diploma Plus, da jie said that if I went Jurong Point with them, she will chop off her head and so... I went! LOL!! And she still hasnt even chop of her head yet!!!!!! da jie! Owe me your head ah!!

It was super fun there la! The shops there are wa.. Super nice la! All the shops' names all never hear before de. The funniest thing was the silly Farhana got tricked by Sha to try and open this candy box.. And Farhana got electric shocked!! And she screamed la!! Piang.. Super paiseh la! The whole shop was looking! Super funny de.. Action City's toys rock!

It was really a great day sia. Maybe ranked in my top few favourite days? LOL! Never have I laughed until like siao and have seen da jie behaving like.. Erm.. like a child.. LOL!!!! Kay guys, will end here!!
her sweet memory was written @ 9:21 PM

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's day!! As promised, Eunhae!! Time really passes so far.. Still can remember last year's Valentine's day la!

Eh eh..by the way, thanks to all those people who wished me! This year was definately different from last year.. Dont know why, there were actually quite a number of people who Im not as close to now who remembered! So sweet la.. Super happy!! Had a long talk on Facebook with Jovyn. My junior in Drama who I met during this year's DPA but I couldnt remember his name.. LOL! He's off to NYP lei.. Wasted, if not I can tease him somemore.. LOL! He's applying for relief teaching too! So maybe we can relief teach together~~

Happy belated birthday to that ben dan dolly! That fellow is always teasing me and her reactions to me sudden lift of hand to her head are always so funny la! I just have to slight lift up my hand, pretending to hit her head and ta-da, she'll move away.. LOL!! Super funny! I used to tease her like that and so far, since the last time I saw her, she still has that silly reaction! LOL! Anyway, ben dan, 1 year older le, be smarter hor.. And dont skip school le la.. Aiyo.. like that how to graduate huh! Be smart smart kay!

Kay.. Lastly, here are the lyrics to my favourite song, take it as a tribute to Valentine's day:

Kim Yoo Kyung - Starlight Tears

The bright white star light shields my tears.

In the warm wind, my tears fall.

Can you feel it?

Quietly whispering facing you, this quivering feeling...

On a white piece of paper, I draw you.

Your warm smile embraces me.

Perhaps this is love.

Even though I try to close my two eyes, I can only see you.

I will be waiting for you.

I will wait for you.

No matter what, I won't show my painful tears.

You let me know, a lie-like love.

I won't let go, because it's simply you.

I'm walking in the memories of being with you.

My heart is brimming with tears.

What should I do?

Even in my dreams, I miss you.

credits: CHARM* @ soompi.com
her sweet memory was written @ 12:00 AM

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I know I said that I would put on Eunhae.. But.. I forgot to take their pictures la! They talked for 2 days 2 nights then when I saw them this morning, they fall asleep! LOL!Kay.. Enough crapping.. Today is....

My Birthday!! Yes yes, Im older again.. LOL! Today's also my blog's.. Ermm... 2nd birthday!! Yeah!! 2 years and 279 posts le..Time goes by really fast, Im in Polytechnic le, End of 1st year le.. So many things have changed, some have changed for the better while some have changed for the worse and the rest havent changed at all.. I dont know why, I getting all sentimental again!! Ahhh!! Must be the old-ness in me!!

Just want to say a big THANKS to all my friends who wished me so far.. Joyce, da jie(who wished yesterday, saying that she wants to be the first person to wish me..LOL!), Xinrui, Pengrui and my family.. To those who just wished me, I really appreciate it!If I didnt write your name here, sorry! 'Cause gan chiong me typed this out at 10pm, preparing for the sound of midnight and I quickly click publish post! LOL!

Last picture of the day: my angel, celebrating for me.. LOL!

12 midnight, lastest wishes: Fion, Oie oie, Ruisheng, Scze We, patchy, grace, summer, Fugui, Bobby,YeYen, Fiona, Julailah, Gio, sofa, Lafa, Romaine, Danial, Farhana, Sha, Amelia Tan, Kerin, Aishah, Jiaxin, Guiling, Jessica, Afifah, Solomon, Jeffrey, Guoxiong, Jovyn,Qiu Yi, Shannon, Heni, Dolly, Diana nugget the high one.
her sweet memory was written @ 12:00 AM

Monday, February 9, 2009

Look look!! Here's my latest collection.. DONGHAE!! I dont know why, I've been a collective spree of lookalike Super Junior dolls.. LOL! Went to Bugis with Joyce today and we chanced upon this!! Saw Onew lookalike doll also, so cute la! But Joyce bought this for me while I bought lookalike Hankyung doll for her early birthday present.. LOL! Man.. I dont know why, the left Donghae totally looks like right Donghae!! Bought alot of stuff today at Bugis! LOVE!! For now, I'll post up Eunhyukie, Sungminnie and Donghae's togetherness! Stay tuned for EunhaeLOL!

P.S: Happy Birthday Hankyung!!!
her sweet memory was written @ 8:52 PM

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I miss my angel...
her sweet memory was written @ 9:05 PM

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ta-da, My first ever A!! Man it feels so good to finally have a A on one of my assignments! Though it was a group project, I still feel soo happy!!! Finally, an A lei!! First time in my Poly life, I finally seen it on my report!! WOOHOOOOOOOOO!!

Today's story telling test was super lousy.. I stumbled and I actually told the wrong ending without me realising it until I went back to my seat and my friends told me!! Ahh!! Why cant I be more focused!!

Anyway, on the bus home from Grace's house today, saw this couple on the bus. Totally look alike de.. They were holding hands and both their facial expressions were the same, blur look, staring front and their mouths slightly open.. Wanted to laugh sia.. But tahan-ed! Then, it was raining mah.. So carried an umbrella and slowly walked behind this old couple also holding an umbrella. The old man was holding the umbrella while the old woman was holding his arm la.. Was thinking.. AWW... Man, so sweet, so old le still so en ai.. But then.. When they went into the shelter, the old woman started saying the old man.. Why you hold the umbrella so front huh. In front of me got people meh! See now my back wet liao. Dont know who you sheltering!! Then the old man just kept quiet sia.. Ruined my good impression of them!! LOL!

Anyway left with 2 more assignments and unofficial holidays have started! Have decided to apply for Bowen Sec and C.H.I.J's relief teaching.. Just went to check out their website and, so many things have changed! For Bowen, there are quite a number of new teachers and man do they look young. In addition, Joyce said that the students are not that rowdy anymore! If I do go there for relief teaching, I'll see it for myself!:p For C.H.I.J, I only see a few familiar faces.. Anyway, hope got space sia, I want my money!!!!!!
her sweet memory was written @ 11:15 PM

Tuesday, February 3, 2009









you are my angel 飞到我左右


you are my angel 陪伴我左右

就算海着火 陆地都沉没 爱你到最後

you are my angel 飞到我左右


you are my angel 陪伴我左右

就算海着火 陆地都沉没 爱你到最後



带着你逃脱即使我look like a fool

也许这麽做 你就不会难过

you are my angel飞到我左右


you are my angel 陪伴我左右

就算海着火 陆地都沉没 爱你到最後
P.S: Happy birthday to magnae, Kyuhyun!!


her sweet memory was written @ 9:52 PM

Sunday, February 1, 2009

It's finally the last week!! Wooohoo!! Nothing can spoil my mood!Been gambling since.. Thursday? I lost like $20+ la! Crap! Anyway, wanted to go to River Hongbao to take our yearly New Year photos but then.. There wasnt anything there so drove around until we reached the Marina Barrage! Actually nothing there also la.. Just alot of wind, making me have a partially bad hair day.. LOL!
Man...really bad hair day.. But it was super nice~ kites flying in the sky and all~~
After visiting the toilet there~ at least looks better~ And, last picture for the day~ My favourite:
It's the month of love people! So fast eh.. Still can remember last year~~ LOL! Anyway, will be back to update more.. I guess.. LOL!
P.S: I've registered for relief teaching, APPROVED!! WOOHOO!!! Money, here I come!
her sweet memory was written @ 7:13 PM