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♥Wishing upon a falling star♥
Super Junior Lover


12 Feb, Aquarius
Favourite songs by Super Junior, SHINee, DBSK, Jay Chou, JJ Lin, MiLuBing, etc.
Watching Movies
Hanging out with friends
The feeling of Total freedom
My best friends

Best viewed in IE

Amelia Tan
Da jie
Lay Yen
Peiqi a.k.a MA DE!!
Peng Rui
Scze We
Wan Ru


Music Playlist at MixPod.com


February 2007♥
March 2007♥
April 2007♥
May 2007♥
June 2007♥
July 2007♥
August 2007♥
September 2007♥
November 2007♥
December 2007♥
January 2008♥
February 2008♥
March 2008♥
April 2008♥
May 2008♥
June 2008♥
July 2008♥
August 2008♥
September 2008♥
October 2008♥
November 2008♥
December 2008♥
January 2009♥
February 2009♥
March 2009♥
April 2009♥
May 2009♥
June 2009♥
July 2009♥
August 2009♥
September 2009♥
October 2009♥
November 2009♥
December 2009♥
January 2010♥
February 2010♥
March 2010♥
April 2010♥
May 2010♥
June 2010♥
August 2010♥
September 2010♥
October 2010♥
November 2010♥
December 2010♥
January 2011♥
February 2011♥
March 2011♥
May 2011♥
August 2011♥

Her applause

Layout: Nicole
Codes: Damien and TCC
Images: Tang Guo Wu & Amelia
Materials: Lovelycore
Inspirations: Agnes & Fang Min
Hosts: Photobucket(?) & BlogSkins(?)
Thursday, December 31, 2009

It's my last post of the year. Finally, 2009 is ending and another year is beginning in another.. 2 hours! This year, I have achieved quite alot I guess.. Loss a few things but gained alot in return... Man... I like getting older and Im totally not liking.. I dont like getting seeing my age go up, I dont like getting more responsibilities, I dont like to think what Im going to do in my life and where I'll end up when Im 25 or something.. It's all so vexing and every decision I make always impacts someone else and when the result isnt good, I get blamed.. If only we can always be kids where adults are always so much more compromising and nice.. Now we have to be the rational/smart/decisive/responsible adults.. I dont like it mannnnnn.....

Enough of the dont likes.. Now.. On to likes.. I really hope next year would be better even though I think I'll start crying out of stress in mid January.. I just saw the number of projects/assignments due on the same week... Crap... This is going into my list of dont likes again! Okay okay..Focus... Erm... I like the new year.. Erm.. Red packets? Long break? But long break=exams before the break right??? Crap... Forget it, let's not continue this likes list.. I dont like new years... LOL!

Okay, enough of the complains.. This year was an okay year. To me, I think Im trying very hard to mature but it's not an easy thingy when you have to be around kids every Monday! But Im trying la.. Also, I think my clique has bonded pretty well this year, more inner feelings are heard and we're beginning to really really love our inner voices too! Friends have been doing great too, relationships are quite steady for some so Im pretty happy about it too! So far so good and I really hope they stay happy together! And I think this year I have really matured in terms of my love life, I have learnt how to not compromise on my type of guys. I have stuck firm on what I want and not take what comes my way! So Im pretty happy about that too!

Hmm... The new year.. I hope it'll be a good year.. Like maybe Super Junior coming to Singapore or something? LOL! But for the new year, I really hope that everything good stays and bad stuff just shoo and buzz off! I also hope that my loved ones will find their half apple and that everyone stays happy and healthy!

Not so emotional this year, maybe it'll kick in tomorrow or something? I dont know.. If it does, I will post it up~ Otherwise, everyone stay healthy and happy!!!!
her sweet memory was written @ 9:39 PM

Friday, December 25, 2009

(Credits: deviantart)
Good morning peeps! And MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Another year ending. Phew! This year was certainly no joke! LOL! I'll write out my reflections later (31 december), it's just too early to reflect! Hehe~ Though they say reflection is an every minute kind of thingy but not to me~ LOL! I'll post again on Thursday, I promise! I even got the picture ready!Though.. I didnt personally take it, I did go around finding it from deviantart! LOL! Merry Christmas!
her sweet memory was written @ 8:41 AM

Monday, December 21, 2009

School's officially out and when Im done with my lesson evaluation, Im free for the next 2 weeks! Yes! Like finally la! Today has finally arrived, the field supervisor came to assess me. Im just super happy that I passed though I know it myself that I didnt really do it well.. Lucky I have a good field supervisor! Super heng!

Everyone's going overseas and all... Im totally bored at home la... I also want to go somewhere... Anywhere...
her sweet memory was written @ 2:42 PM

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Yes yes, Friday has come and gone! But, i had so much fun yesterday! Had lessons in the morning, nothing much there.. Then headed down to NYP after lunch in school. NYP's freaking big and I didnt manage to take pictures! Crap.. 'cause.. there were always people there and it seem kinda weird if I start taking pictures and all right.. But it was really really nice!!!

Then waited for Guoxiong with Xinrui~~ Nice Xinrui~ LOL! She accompanied me as I was totally lost and intimidated by their school people! Still think Ngee Ann people look friendlier! And their school has more lockers than there are sockets!! Anyway, Guoxiong finally came and off we went down to Novena while we joked that Velocity was actually Square 1~ I dont know why yesterday I was super high and happy and was practically laughing at every small thing and I actually found velocity=square 1 funny.. But now.. like not so liao... LOL! Anyway, went walking around updating each other then Joyce came and we just sat in front of Monsoon and saw the famous hairdresser with a weird hair and Mark Lee's wife and kid~ Nothing much.. Then Wan ru and Scze We came! Super happy about seeing Wanru... And of course Scze We! Then we just talked and talked and talked! Then.. we ate at some Korean restaurant which I totally didnt take note of the name! The above was our side dish~ Only like the ice cream lookalike potato thingy.. Then the 6 side dishes came~
Then while our meals were on their way, we quickly took some photos~
Joyce totally forgot to take our main course and only remembered when we were halfway through our meals! Our conversation kept flowing and flowing, like we're all still in the same school! And of course we gossiped! Even Guoxiong took part alittle in it! Super fun and well.. Makes me kinda happy that we decided to have this dinner~ Could this be the happiest dinner with friends in my whole life?!?!?!
Then we continued to talk and sat down at Coffee Bean though Wanru and I preferred Starbucks but there wasnt starbucks there.. Didnt stay there for long as I had to rush off home but was super super fun and relaxing! Should do this more often lor!
Last but not least, our one and only group photo taken by the waitress there.. Which is blur.. Man.. Cant she take a better one!!!! Anyway, must have more outings like this in the future!
her sweet memory was written @ 12:21 PM

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

(pictures credits as tagged!)
Holidays are going to start in another.... one week? But whatever, it's E learning week next week and Im so treating it as my holidays have started this week! Super excited about this coming Friday! Finally meeting up with Joyce, Scze We and.... Guoxiong! How rare is that?! Okay, maybe it's cause when we meet up, we seldom call someone else! But..Wa.. So long never meet each other already and I've really miss them alot sia! Going to take a million and one pictures on Friday!

Grace and Hui Hui's gone to Vietnam and it's been super hard on me da jie and Patchy.. So sian, it just doesnt feel the same and perhaps that made me realise that everyone of us has our own part to play in our clique!

Anyway, everyone's going overseas for holidays and I want to go too.. But still not sure on any details.. Hopefully I get to go somewhere.. Anywhere is good!!

Will post up Friday's photos asap!!!
her sweet memory was written @ 8:23 PM